Monday, June 11, 2012

Kiwi Bluetooth Android Phone Car Diagnostic Kit

Check Engine? WTF does that mean?

If you're not a car geek, the light that says "CHECK ENGINE" might as well say "PC LOAD LETTER." Sure, we can open the hood and verify that indeed, the engine is still present, but beyond that, we're a little lost. Best we can do is drive it to the garage and hope that we don't get totally bamboozled by the mechanic again. We already bought the anti-unicorn disinfectant treatment once! It's supposed to protect the air filter from glitter for life, right?

The Kiwi Bluetooth is a plug and play wireless device that connects to your car's OBDII port (right below the steering wheel). Kiwi Bluetooth comes attached with a 6 ft OBDII cable for easy installation. It also comes with a power switch built-in to prevent the need for having to constantly disconnect your unit from the OBDII port. You can use it in any vehicle born in 1996 or later, whether it's a sedan, truck, SUV, or even a hybrid. Once the device is connected, you can download one of two recommended car diagnostics apps from the Android Market and begin to monitor all sorts of stats about your car. Next time you go into the mechanic, you'll avoid the unicorn charge. That's for sure!
Product Specifications
  • Wirelessly connect your car to your Android phone
  • Three compatible applications from the Android Market work with Kiwi Bluetooth - Torque, alOBD & OBDroid
  • Monitor: Fuel efficiency, check engine trouble codes, real time gauges, horsepower and torque, and more.
  • Range: 50 ft (Line of sight)
  • Power Consumption: 0.7 Watts (With Power Switch)
  • Dimensions: 2.75 x 1.25 x 0.6 inches

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